Tuesday, December 20, 2011

My thoughts for today.

I just got back from dinner out with my kids. I can't explain how it makes me feel to see my children as adults but I assume it's like every other parent. I kind of hurried my way through their childhood  because I couldn't wait for the time when we were on more equal footing. I'm not saying I didn't enjoy them learning to walk, and read and hit all the milestones but I knew I would really enjoy the time when they began learning about adult life. I love listening to them talk about how they feel about their jobs and experiences. I enjoy the idea that they see me as a person much like themselves. I know I am still "mom" and there are things they don't like to talk to me about, but it's a great thing to know that I didn't do half as bad a job as a parent as I thought I would.  Now I hope I get to enjoy this time for quite a while before I have to start figuring out how to be a grandma!

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